National Celebrants Day

Celebrations are an integral part of our lives and society and as celebrants we guide you through these milestones to create beautiful memories. Today I invite you to celebrate celebrants.

The Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants, a professional celebrant organisation of which I am a member, has declared Friday the 20th of November 2020 as “National Celebrants Day”.

The aim of this day is to celebrate Celebrants and also to raise awareness about the Celebrant’s role.

Many people only see marriage celebrants at someone else’s wedding day and think all they do is just turn up on the day, talk and the sign paperwork. They do not understand or see what leads up to and beyond this day.

Celebrants are legally responsible for making certain that every marriage they officiate is valid and conducted lawfully. Celebrants are continually undertaking ongoing professional development to ensure that they are legally up to date with all marriage regulations and any changes to the Marriage Act. All celebrants have undertaken extensive training and in my case a Certificate IV in Celebrancy, and also have to comply with the Attorney-General’s Departmental requirements that they are “a fit and proper person” before qualifying to become a celebrant.

The role of a marriage celebrant is broad and varied. It involves a number of meetings with couples intending to get married and ensuring they understand the significance of marriage and the legal consequences of getting married. We are obliged to be aware of relationship support services that are available and pass this information on to our couples.

Our role involves getting to know the couple and their personality and the type of ceremony they would like. Also providing them with an information package that assists with the wedding planning process and then writing a personalised ceremony for the couple.

The celebrant is responsible for making sure all the legal paperwork is completed, both before and on the wedding day and then also lodging that paperwork with the relevant state office of Births, Deaths and Marriages. In some states, the marriage celebrant can also apply for the registered marriage certificate on behalf of couples, saving them considerable time and paperwork.

There is not only the ceremony, but usually a rehearsal at the venue as well. This is to go over the logistics of the ceremony and hopefully ease some nerves on the day. Finally there is  the day of the ceremony where we celebrants deliver a personalised and memorable ceremony, ensuring all the legalities are met and all the paperwork is provided and signed.

The marriage celebrant’s role is a lot more complex and involved than just turning up on the day of the wedding. We are professionals who provide a legal and ceremonial service, and we are passionate about what we do.

In my role as a marriage celebrant, I am always honoured to be involved in what is undoubtedly one of the most special days in a couple’s lives.

Join me in celebrating celebrants.

Happy National Celebrants Day.

Ceremonies with Sylvie