The surprising role of pets in my celebrant bookings.

In my journey as a celebrant, there have been some fascinating instances where the couples' pets played a crucial role in establishing a connection that led to booking my services.

On one occasion, during my first obligation-free meeting with a prospective couple, I was greeted at their door, not only by the couple, but also by their black cat, a furball reminiscent of one we had lost unexpectedly a year prior. Naturally, I extended a warm welcome to the couple, as well as their beautiful black cat. To everyone's surprise, the usually elusive cat, known for vanishing into the depths of the bedroom upon encountering strangers, decided to break tradition and follow us upstairs. It leapt onto the dining room chair beside me, and believe it or not, actively participated in our conversation and demanded my attention. The couple was genuinely astonished, and I think this unexpected feline camaraderie had a significant impact on their decision to book me as their celebrant that very night! 

Then there was a meeting at a café with a couple eager to incorporate their Springer Spaniels, Ruby and Frank, into their wedding ceremony. Without hesitation, I enthusiastically responded, “Oh that would be great!” Not really knowing how they were to be incorporated, but thinking, if that’s what the couple wanted, I would help make it happen. The couple, thrilled with my unbridled excitement, decided then and there that I was the celebrant for them. Come the wedding day, a very well-behaved Ruby and Frank took centre stage as the sole bridesmaid and groomsman, bringing a unique and charming element to the wedding ceremony.  

Now, while I love cats and dogs, I'm wary around small dogs as they trigger memories of a childhood incident that has left lasting impressions. So, when I arrived at my prospective couples’ front gate and saw their small fox terrier and his mate bound out to the front, I had to steel myself, by reciting under my breath, “You’ll be fine.” The dogs came inside and joined us in the lounge room for our meeting. Pepsi and Hugo were introduced to me, and I learned that they were an integral part of the family.   Much to my surprise and concern, Hugo the terrier, jumped up onto the red leather lounge next to me and demanded attention. I checked if this was allowed and learned that they were  “free range dogs!” Throughout the meeting, I found myself navigating ceremony discussions while simultaneously catering to the demands of a very lively and demanding fox terrier.

At the end of the meeting the couple decided to book me. They couldn’t believe the immediate connection their dog had forged with me, (and neither could I) and this connection sealed the booking.

In hindsight, it appears that in the realm of celebrancy, a shared bond with pets can serve as a delightful and unexpected avenue for establishing meaningful connections and learning more about my clients.

I would love to meet you and your pets.

Happy wedding planning.

Sylvie Schembri